
Declare Independence From Financial Insecurity...[Prosperity Digest]

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Take Action Now And Get The Life You And Your Loved Ones Truly Deserve!

Hey Trader,

I hope your week is off to a great start!

We’re heading into the 4th of July weekend, which means a couple of things… 

One, we’re likely to see lower volume in the markets during this 4-day trading week, as Wall Street heads out to get a jump on the holiday weekend. 

Of course, lower volume typically means higher volatility… so traders need to exercise caution. 

4th of July also means plenty of partying, grilling, fireworks-watching and general merrymaking with friends and family. 

But Independence Day also offers us a chance to reflect on our nation… and ourselves…  

And to hopefully gain some insight and perspective that can help us refocus, recalibrate and recharge for the second half of the year. 

Now, in just a second, I’m going to tell you how we’re celebrating Independence Day here at Market Traders Daily… and what it means for you.

But first, I want to tell you why I think this is such a critical time in our nation’s history.

Now, those of you who have been on my list for a while know that I regularly read the Bible. 

Well, I’m also a bit of a history buff… 

And there’s a concept that I’ve picked up on through years of studying both the Bible and world history. 

It’s an idea that speaks to the cyclical nature of societies and civilizations… 

And it’s been true of pretty much every major empire in recorded history. 

I recently came across a quote from a novel written by G. Michael Hopf that sums up this concept pretty much perfectly. 

It goes like this:

“Hard times create strong men… 

Strong men create good times… 

Good times create weak men… 

And weak men create hard times.”

So when we think about it in the context of our nation’s history, it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers were strong men living in hard times. 

Now I’m not going to lay a history lesson on you here… 

Because we all know about the challenges the early Americans faced at the hands of the British crown.

But as tough as those times were… 

Our forefathers rose to the challenge. 

It was a risky proposition — declaring independence from the throne and igniting a full-blown war with one of the most capable armies of the time. 

We’re talking life and death-level risk. 

But it was a risk those men and women were willing to take… 

And in the 244 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the United States has become one of the most prosperous civilizations in recorded history. 

Now, I’m not saying that life has been all peaches and cream for every American in that span of time. 

As a country, we’ve been through turmoil, inner struggles and international conflicts.

But in the roughly 80 years since World War II, Americans have had it pretty good by and large. 

Now, don’t get me wrong… 

Peace and prosperity are good things. 

But when we view it through a historical lens, we see that prosperity and “good” times tend to lead to a “softening” of the population… 

Which tends to lead to harder times. 

Again, I’m not trying to sound like a doomsday prophet or say that we’re headed for disaster. 

All I’m saying is that, instead of waiting for the next round of truly “hard times” to forge us into stronger, more capable men and women… 

We can proactively shape ourselves into the strong, resilient men and women of action that we want to be… 

And that our children and grandchildren NEED us to be. 

Listen, when things are “good,” it’s easy to give in to comfort and complacency… 

Even when it comes to our finances. 

But, as the old saying goes, “No risk, no reward.”

It’s a philosophy that our nation’s founders clearly took to heart… 

And we can, too — by pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and doing something that we perceive as “hard” or even “risky” in order to create a better life for our families… 

Our loved ones… 

And those who will be here long after we’re dead and buried. 

Now, I told you earlier that we’re celebrating Independence Day this week here at Market Traders Daily. 

And we’re kicking off the long weekend with a very special LIVE broadcast that will show you the ins and outs of a system that can help you start building wealth IMMEDIATELY… 

Through strategic, high-probability and low-risk stock trades.

This system has consistently handed members triple-digit gains on both stocks and easy option plays all through the coronavirus turmoil… 

And our members are set to receive TWO brand-new alerts before the long weekend on a couple of stocks that are poised to break out and launch higher than a 4th of July firecracker.

So if you’re ready to take charge of your future… and your family’s future… 

And discover how you can claim independence from financial insecurity… 

Then click right here to be automatically registered for this exclusive, no-cost live event!

All the best, 

Dustin Pass
CEO, Market Traders Daily.

Market Traders Daily
Director of Client Services

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