It's no mystery why I'm an elected member of The American Association of Professional Technical Analysts. There is a reason I'm asked to provide workshops for various organizations worldwide, including AATA, IFTA, and the MTA. And its not because they want to see my handsome face. Its because they want to hear me speak about NUMBERS. The fine companies who've published my internationally popular books on trading didn't do so out of sheer kindness. They understand the value I can provide to the masses. The same VALUE I want to provide to YOU. YOU, too, can use the same system traders all over the world are using to make successful, profitable trades DAILY! This powerful tool includes all strategies, and support you'll need to create CONSISTENT (key word here) success in your trading. No more guessing games...You'll INSTANTLY know where you stand. The Amazing Person's Algo Optimizer package will give you a different recipe for your trading success. Who Can Benefit From the Purchase of this |
Don't have a lifetime license yet? | PUG Member Status | Already have a Lifetime License? | ||
COMPLETE BUNDLE Algo 17-Xtreme $7497.00 | LIFETIME PACKAGE TradeStation LIFEtime License Only $3,500 | <--NON-MEMBERMEMBER--> | This package is only available to LIFETIME LICENSE USER - PUG Algo 17-Xtreme $3997.00 | This package is only available to Algo 17-Xtreme $3467.00 |
BUY NOW | ||||
Here is what John said about the ALGO OPTIMIZER 09/28/2020
Have Some Questions? Here are a few we received.
Q. Do I need TradeStation Platform to run the Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer? A. Yes, the Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer is a program that runs only with the TradeStation in conjuntion with our LIFETIME indicators. Through our long term relationship, Tradestation has offered a full 100% commission rebate on any new account on the purchases of our LIFETIME indicator and the Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer. For more information about the rebate approval from TradeStation rebate click here .
Q. What Training is needed to use the Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer? A. Learning how to use this product is pretty easy. We include a complete training manual and videos plus private webinars, on going customer service.
Q. I saw the webinar and heard you say the price was $3,297? Are there more costs? A. The price of the lifetime indicator is $3500 and the Algo system is $3997 - the discount bundle price is $7,497. VIP PUG & PUG members receive an additional discount. One license per account.
Q. Can I trade with my current broker? A. This product is solely available through TradeStation Securities.
Q. What size account would be best to start with? A. The account size is dependent on the markets you are trading. We have a pre-built position size application that allows users to define position sizes by three methods in this version. The first selection is Capital Traded it will automatically calculate and allocate the amount of shares you wish to trade based on capital available. The second selection function will automatically calculate and allocate the amount of shares or positions based on risk per trade, and the third function allows you to trade a set number of shares or positions. We advocate having proper risk management and not to abuse the power of leverage and use full Initial margin requirements set by the exchanges. As always, consult your broker or financial advisor for all your account needs and risk management.
Q. Can I trade this through my IRA account? A.TradeStation has that option. It is always best to speak to their representative to determine what is best for your personal finances and risk. However, our Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer is based on both approved products as well as being able to use the Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer as a trade alert where you can select what stock or ETF to trade and then manually enter your order on a discretionary basis.
Q. In the past I mainly day traded ES and 6E, will this product work for those? A. The reason it was name "Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer" was because it allows the owner or user to optimize and maintain the integrity through time based on market conditions such as volatility changes. It works on ETFs, Stocks, Forex, and Futures, which includes the popular day trade futures market like the "ES", "YM", "CL","GC", & "6E".
Q. Does this help me filter out trades for an option strategy? A. This product in not an option alert system like a high volume or volatility spike indicator, rather its an optimizer, it identifies algorithm generated trade signals on Stocks, ETFS and Futures with the feature of identifying the stop and profit targets. The individual user can use that information and apply a directional option strategy such as a stock replacement strategy, or a more advance and aggressive option strategy like a ratio back spread. One could also apply no direction option writing strategies.
Q. I would like to understand more about this new product but have concerns if you do sell it, what happens then? A. We need to limit licenses due to possible acquisition & to ensure integrity of trade signals. If product is acquired then we had a total number of allowed available licenses. Once you purchase this product it is yours for lifetime. It is attached to your customer ID account number through Tradestation. It cannot be deactivated or taken from you.
Q. The webinar session said I can select long or short or both what does that mean? A. There is a function that allows you turn "on" or "off" the Buy or Sell signals. As an example for markets deemed to be in a strong bullish trend mode you can turn off the sell signal mode and take only long entry signals.
Q. I lease a system that charges me $149.00 per month per each contract, how many positions am I allowed to trade with this product. A. This is not a system. The beauty of this product it has no restrictions on the quantity you want to trade or the markets you want to trade. The buy and sell signals are based on my proprietary algorithms but any strategy you develop is based on your optimization tests, which makes the settings unique to you. Therefore you can trade as many share or positions as your risk allows. In addition since we are not selling a "black box" strategy on one single market based on one time frame like an end of day trading system none of the signals will be impacted by multiple users. This ensures both a high level of integrity on the entry of orders.
If you have any question please feel free to email us at
John Person's LIFETIME PUG Group:
Person's User Group (PUG) is a once-a-month session hosted by John Person to help teach and train users how to get the most out of the trading tools. The sessions also include training on software updates, as well as stocks, ETF's or sector analysis. This is the community where individuals can share their experiences and ask question while receiving professional guidance.
John uses his own proprietary method that filters out and reduces excess information overload or what we call unnecessary "noise". This method allows him to project the potential high and low as well as the expected range in a given trading period with a greater degree of accuracy. John Person's Scans for Stock, Futures & Forex opportunities will give you week to week the best trading analysis money can buy using his LIFETIME Indicators.
Don't take my word for it -
here's what my clients are saying:
"Thank you VXX algo. Not bad for a days work. Well, a few hours anyway. 3% in two days. Realized P/L $6279.16" Randy
"VXX trades—can you say "fat and happy". LOLOL "
"VXX no longer HB. Just took signals on 5 min chart. Perfect entry; perfect exit. Money in bank "
"I always knew that the Person PPS and Doji signals were powerful but adding the Algo 17-Xtreme Optimizer makes the package awesome. A lot of traders lack confidence and creating your own systems with the clarification of statistical analysis is the ideal solution for this problem. Keep doing what you're doing, all the best. Daren S."
"I have traded in dozens of trading rooms for over 16 years and I want to relay to others that in my experience John Person is head and shoulders above the rest. The trading system that John has developed works beautifully day in and out in any time frame."
"Your market sense and insight kept me on the right side of the market and in numerous successful trades. I can't express enough my gratitude for all the hard work you do on behalf of your clients. I know you have mentioned that this work is something that you do for yourself, but sharing it with us on such a timely basis is incredibly helpful and appreciated."
"I wish I would have found you before I spent untold thousands on books, courses, tapes, and other media, some of which aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Any time someone can take the time to give back and help others accomplish that which he or she has learned and profited from it's not only rare, but very admirable, so thank you!!"
"If you are considering taking a course from John, I strongly encourage you to do so. He gave me a strong foundation from which to build my own methods. If you are lost as a trader, John will be able to help you. Thank you John, I owe all my success to you!"
Hey, maybe you've never made a single trade your entire life...
But you're looking for that little "nudge" to get you started! I'm sure you've heard it before: "trading is risky."
Basically, just living life can be risky. Sure, trading can also be risky - but ONLY if you go into it unprepared. And that's exactly what I'm NOT going to let you do. You, too, can now trade like a PRO |
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The performance results authored or edited by John Person Inc or on this site may not be based on any actual securities trading, portfolio, or accounts, and the newsletters reported performances should be considered mere "paper" or proforma performance results. Past performance is no indication of future results. Trading Futures, Stocks, Options, Forex involves significant risk of loss.
John Person Inc. - PO Box 14713 - North Palm Beach, Fl 33408- Telephone 561-655-1881
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