
πŸŽ₯ If the shoe fits... invest in it!

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Manward Financial Digest

Stock of the Week: If the Shoe Fits... Invest in It!


New Oil Extraction Method Is Great News for Americans

The oil pump

A brand-new technology is making waves in the oil sector.

It can save operators (and potentially consumers) MILLIONS of dollars per year...

And because it's FAR better for the environment...

I wouldn't be shocked if the government soon requires this method for domestic oil extraction.

If that happens, I expect one newly listed $21 stock to go ballistic.

Discover how to get in on the action here.

A Note From Amanda: After a year of terrible returns and soaring expenses, Americans need a break. You've felt the squeeze at the pump... you've paid more to heat and cool your home... and you've surely been shocked by your grocery bill. But savvy investors are turning the tables... and playing the red-hot energy sector for big returns. Andy has uncovered an under-the-radar company in the oil and gas sector with a breakthrough technology that could transform America's energy landscape. And he's convinced an announcement on March 1 will send the stock soaring as much as 740% in the next two years.

Get all the details here.

Alpesh Patel

Alpesh Patel
Trading Champion

Casual is in...

At least according to this global shoe manufacturer.

[Your stocks taken a beating? See the (secret) signal that separates big winners from painful losers. Watch the full presentation.]

With annual sales of $3 billion and double-digit revenue growth, it has proven to be resilient to our cost-of-living crisis.

It's forecast to grow three times faster than its industry...

And its CROCI - cash return on capital invested - is absolutely huge at 39%.

The numbers certainly aren't ugly with this shoemaker (though I think its products are).

And that's why it's our Stock of the Week.

Get all the details on the stock - including the ticker - in my latest video.

Click here or on the image below to watch it.

Video - Bank on This Growing Fintech

Happy hunting,


Brand-New Oil Extraction Method Is Great News for Americans


"An Army of Millionaires"

The BBC reports that Tesla's wildly profitable stock "created an army of millionaires."

These so-called Teslanaires include average people like Jason from Los Angeles, Bruce from Atlanta, Scott from New York and Basel from Pittsburgh...

Army Millionaires

But if you missed out on Tesla's incredible 17,000%-plus rise in the last decade...

Today, you have a second chance.

Click Here to See Why One New Company Could Be the Next EV Giant


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Alpesh Patel | Trading Champion

Alpesh Patel is an award-winning hedge fund and private equity fund manager, international bestselling author, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Praefinium Partners, a Financial Times top FTSE 100 forecaster, and a senior Dealmaker in the U.K.'s Department for International Trade. As a recognized authority on fintech, online trading and venture capital, his past and current client list includes American Express, Merrill Lynch HSBC, Charles Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Barclays... and more.


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