
🍌This trade could go bananas!

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RagingBull Elite

As you probably know, I spend each week scouring the market, looking for my single favorite stock idea for the week ahead.

This sounds like a pretty easy task at first glance. But, if you look under the hood a bit more, it is a deceptively complicated decision to land on.

I have to ask myself questions like, "Where is the market headed next week?"... "What sectors are most likely to outperform?"... "What stocks will be most likely to continue their current trend?"

When I consider all of these factors, I then land on what I feel is the single best trading idea each week – it is called my "Bullseye Trade."

This is my highest-conviction idea that I am excited about putting my money into.

I could care less about the 10,000 other stocks out there.  I am solely focused on this ONE trade and how I can maximize my profits on it.

When I have this elite stock trade planned out with my ideal entry point, stop loss, profit targets, and even the exact option contract I want to buy – I send this out to all of my members on Monday before the market opens.

Then, when I actually make a trade (which I already told everyone about), I send out an alert on your phone, so you can see what I am doing in near-real time.

This week's alert looked exactly like this for the thousands and thousands of members who received my Bullseye Trade idea:

And the same type of alert when I am looking to exit the trade.

Now, I won't tell you that every single idea I have is a monster. This is trading, after all, and sometimes the market will squash even the best plans.  I aim to find the biggest opportunity each week and share it with my community.

This past week, once again, members saw a potential 50% move higher in 3 days from the options I alerted on Monday.

I was pretty proud of this trade.  It wasn't an easy one to identify before the week started, and I was able to get a nice window of opportunity to sell.

I also "double dipped" on this trade by sharing a different strategy with my "Wall Street Bookie" members who also saw another opportunity where I was able to cash in a 50%+ win in 3 days as well

I just want to show you this to point out there are a few different ways to "skin a cat" (where did that phrase ever come from anyways?) when it comes to trading.

You can take the same stock idea and build several different strategies around it.

The crowd was fired up this week as well!

I'm telling you, it is such a rush to be with 100's of other people who are cheering on the same trade.  What a great community we have!

And Joseph made my day with this comment…

I couldn't agree more!

While last year was great for Bullseye, I think we've turned it up a notch so far in 2023!  

Check out how we crushed MRNA (to the downside!) while the puts had the chance to gain nearly 200% in a few days last week…

And the week before that, I absolutely nailed it by alerting members to SPLK before it made a 400% move higher (actually higher now!) to the upside. 

Pure insanity indeed right now in the market.

Again, I am really proud of the service I put together.  Take a few minutes and check out the trades from this year so far (there's only one per week, remember).

I am a man on a mission.  I am not stopping until Bullseye is the largest trading service out there (we've already had over 41,000 join the team, but hey… who's counting?!).

I want to empower each and every trader out there to learn how to use my "top-down" approach to looking at the market and identify the handful of stocks that actually matter each week.

If you can successfully do this, I think you are going to turn your trading career around and see it grow in ways you never imagined possible.

I want you to experience the same thing that so many other traders have already discovered.

To help you get started, I am removing all of the barriers to entry for you.

I have crushed the entry price to the absolute lowest possible right now – everyone can afford to get started right now.  There are no excuses.

On top of that, I am personally backing this with a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

Yep, not only is this a ridiculous price right now, I will even give you every single penny back if you decide you don't like it for any reason at all (and historically, 97% of people who joined love the service and continue with it – I am sure you will too!)

No tricks, or smoke and mirrors here.  

You can simply call or email our team, and we will make sure you are 100% satisfied.  

It's super simple…

Incredible service + Lowest price + Full money back guarantee 

= Foolproof offer!


  1. All you have to do is fill out the info on this page (it will take you about 2 minutes)

  1. This weekend, browse through the exclusive member goodies I have for you in the Bullseye member dashboard (drop me a note and say "hi"!)

  1. Get ready for Monday before the market opens, and I will deliver you my next huge Bullseye Trade right in your inbox!

It couldn't get any easier, and I can't wait to have you on the team.

Don't let another week pass you by.

Joining Bullseye Trades is the easiest decision you have to make today.

You are absolutely going to love being a part of this community, so let's get started right now!

P.S.  If you have any questions about Bullseye (or even more ideas in my "Bullseye Unlimted" program) call Jeff Brown @ 800-585-4488 or (jbrown@ragingbull.com) and he would be happy to talk about any special offers, payment plans, and help you in any way possible.

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RagingBull, LLC

62 Calef Hwy. #233, Lee, NH 03861



© Copyright 2022, RagingBull


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FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. Any RagingBull Service offered is for educational and informational purposes only and should NOT be construed as a securities-related offer or solicitation, or be relied upon as personalized investment advice. RagingBull strongly recommends you consult a licensed or registered professional before making any investment decision.

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