
Fifty-six trades in now, how are my results looking now πŸ‘€

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Complimentary Training Session Thursday 1pm EST in…

πŸ“š Wall Street Bookie πŸ“š

Jeff's 24-Trade WINNING streak in WSB came to a close on Friday 😒

But…with 48 WINS/8 LOSSES (86% win rate!), Jeff's STILL convinced SELLING options is the way to go in this Market!

*at the time of writing this, results not guaranteed

Jeff is hosting a WSB "speed session" where he will discuss his system in detail, share new trade ideas and even take your questions – in just 30 minutes!

Click HERE to join him LIVE THURS @ 1pm EST 

Let's talk more about that πŸ‘†…

With literally thousands of stocks to choose from, how can traders find high-conviction setups with the best potential?

I'm about to show you my favorite strategy ✍️.

Like many professional traders, I have developed several different strategies that I always have at the ready for when market conditions call for them.

For example, when it comes to trading earnings season, there is one strategy in particular that has helped me get to where I am today.

This is how it works…

I come into each trading day with a carefully crafted watchlist of stocks that are exhibiting characteristics that my 20+ years of trading experience tells me can produce BIG swings.

This is one of my go-to techniques to use because stocks that are "stretched" too far - in one direction or the other - are ripe for a move back to the mean (which is always the dotted blue line on my charts).

Here is a good recent example.  Here is a stock that I have traded in my Wall Street Bookie service, where I use the power of options selling in my favor.

Not that history will always produce the same result, but can you see that every time SMCI has touched that red zone (upper 3 ATR range), it has then retreated lower?

That is what I look for as I believe the same patterns will happen again soon.  

Someone buying that breakout – at that lofty price imo – is placing a "sucker bet," and I want to be there to take it from them 🍭!

To see how I've done on these SMCI trades, check out my trading log.

Folks, this is the perfect example of how I look for stocks where the earnings have already been priced in, causing the stock to reverse off of MAJOR areas of support or resistance.

And let me tell you, RIGHT NOW I have my eye on a bunch of stocks with similar setups that have the potential to produce BIG moves, especially when I trade the options of these stocks.

I probably have about a dozen examples on my list right now just like this that I am ready to pounce on πŸ†.

And I must say, I have been doing pretty well with these trades lately, too.  

In fact, here is the LINK to see all of my closed trades with my Wall Street Bookie service so far this year.

My goal with this service is to teach people how to take calculated moves in the market and use a strategy that actually puts the odds in your favor.

I'm a pretty good trader, but I don't think I have ever won 24 trades in a row buying stocks or options before this.  

What I am trying to demonstrate here is that by learning how to sell options we can actually increase our win rates, sometimes by a lot!

This is the best system I know of when it comes to consistency in trading.

I don't mean "consistent" as in "I am going to win every time," or "guaranteed profits," because that just isn't possible.

I mean it in the sense that I can actually have a fighting chance to win more often than I lose.

I am making the results of this public because I want everyone to see this over the course of the year and hold me accountable to stick to the rules I have put in place πŸ“.

Plus, if I can make a few bucks trading and showing people how this works… that's even better, right?!

I would love for you to join this journey with me 🚢.

I am going to continue to send members my top ideas every single day, along with my game plan and alerts before I make every trade.

You will also get access to my exclusive weekly live training session on Tuesdays each week where I will personally answer every question you have when it comes to option selling.

You won't find someone more capable, talented and eager to help you get to where you want to go than me πŸ™‹.

If you have been on the fence about joining, now is the time.

Right now, you need to check out the pricing I have going on, especially for my annual or platinum membership options.

You can score a fantastic membership price on this right now.

So don't delay another.  Take this opportunity to put your trading on the right path and put those bad habits behind you.

Learn the best strategy, from the best teacher along with all of my real-money trades πŸ’΅.


Click HERE to join me LIVE THURS @ 1pm EST 

Jeff Bishop

RagingBull, LLC
62 Calef Hwy. #233, Lee, NH 03861

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