
Big things happen at 3:56 pm.

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Hey Lance here.

And I want to let you in on a little secret for trading the scanner. 

During these last couple weeks this particular secret has been insanely powerful.

It has put some of our readers in front of some monster moves…

One that comes to mind was this was the 200%+  overnight gain on Meta at the end of April.
Now this secret obviously has to do with the scanner…

But NOT in the way you might think…

What’s weird about this particular gain is not that it flashed on the scanner… and the stock went up…

But more so, what time of the day it flashed on the scanner…

If you were to zoom in you’d see a scanner signal come in at 3:56 pm in the afternoon…

So, just 4 minutes before the market closed.
But here is where things get even weirder…

Meta was set to release the Q1 earnings report after the market closed that very day…

So in other words…

Someone had a strong feeling that META was about to release a great earning report, and placed a HUGE options bet on it.

And they did it with just 4 minutes left in the trading day.

Sure enough, Meta exploded after the earnings announcement.

And that brings me to the point of this email..

We’ve seen this happening a lot during this most recent earning season…

We saw it happen on NVDA, C3.AI, Coinbase and others…

And that’s why we’ve been paying extra close attention to the scanner in the final 5 to 10 minutes of the day.

In fact, my team now calls these late day scanner signal “buzzer beaters

And within the next couple weeks…

We’re going to be targeting buzzer beaters on a daily basis.

So if you want to learn how to trade these buzzer beater signals with us,

Click this link here

I have a super super short video where I’ll explain why buzzer beaters happen and how you can trade them with us through the remainder of earnings season.
Signature Lance Ippolito
Lance Ippolito
The profits and performance shown are not based on any sort of typicality, they were real scanner signals that various members traded. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money.


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