
“I don’t think anything is resolved at this point”

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If you’ve been following Jeffry the last few weeks, you know that he’s calling a top soon.

And while the market has stubbornly marched higher, he’s not backing off.

In fact, he warns:

“…the higher we push the markets without a pullback
the more severe the pullback is likely to be…”

IMPORTANT NOTE: SVXY is a leveraged instrument and may cause outsized losses.
As you can see, it pays to be in Jeffry’s Discord. Conversations like this (and more) are happening all the time.

Jeffry’s available almost around the clock (he does sleep on occasion!) and he’s built a wonderfully supportive community of traders that are extremely helpful as well.

All you need to do to get into his Discord is become a client — and you can do that for just $5.

Stay safe out there.

— The Prosperity Pub team
Apple: From Near-Death to $3 Trillion Behemoth

Apple fanboys will tell you that Apple has been a remarkable company since it was founded.

But it truly started becoming the force of nature we know today after Steve Jobs returned to the pilot seat in the late 90’s. Since then, starting with its famous “Think Different” advertising campaign, the company has seemingly released hit after hit.

These hits have consisted of products with larger cultural ramifications. Products that have gone on to have worldwide name recognition such as the iPod, the iPhone, iTunes and the App Store.

But if you can believe it, there was a time in the 90’s when headlines about Apple looked like this:

Apple Stock Plunges to 12-Year Low
Apple on the Brink of Bankruptcy
Apple's Future Looks Bleak

At the time, Apple was struggling. The company was losing market share to Microsoft and other rivals. Its products were seen as outdated and overpriced. And its financial situation was dire.

But then, Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997. And everything changed.

Jobs quickly turned things around at Apple, introducing the aforementioned products — but perhaps more importantly — he also changed the company's culture, making it more focused on innovation and design.

As a result of Jobs' leadership, Apple went from near-death to becoming one of the most successful companies in the world.

In 2018, it became the first publicly traded company to reach a market capitalization of $1 trillion. Just two years later, it surpassed $2 trillion. And on January 3, 2022, it became the first company to reach $3 trillion.

Apple's success is a testament to Steve Jobs' vision and leadership. And a reminder that even the most successful companies can go through difficult times. But if they have the right leadership and culture, they can overcome any challenge.

Whenever someone tells me that it’s too late to latch on to Apple’s success, I simply point them to The Perfect Apple Trade.

It’s a strategy I’ve developed over more than a decade of carefully studying AAPL and its behavior. And I’ve discovered what I call “profit cycles” that the stock goes through periodically.

I’m sharing all the details in a presentation Thursday, June 22nd @ 4pm Eastern — and you’re invited! Simply click here to reserve your spot.

— Micah Lamar


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