
The Earnings Season floodgates open up…

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JULY 31, 2023
SOFI & ON Report Today… Other Heavyweights Later This Week

SOFI, ON, and more earnings hitting this morning… And the biggest of the big follow later this week with AAPL and AMZN. How is earnings season shaping up and what does it mean for this overextended market?

Plus, as always, stay tuned for today’s movers and losers as Jeffry scans the market to spot today’s potential plays.

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Demystifying Wall Street: The Role and Impact of Trading Bots

Today's Wall Street is a far cry from the crowded trading floors of yore. A new breed of players now dominates — silent, emotionless and tireless…

It might sound scary, but I’m just talking about pieces of software written by Wall Street to place trades based on specific rules.

So, what makes these digital players so critical?

Trading bots, driven by complex algorithms, are like tireless traders. They scan market data, analyze patterns, and trade stocks lightning-fast — all without a coffee break. These bots don't just follow the market; they anticipate, react, and execute trades much faster than any human could.

Their speed and precision have revolutionized trading. They've turned the vast ocean of financial data into manageable streams, identifying profit windows that open and close in microseconds. Without fatigue, without emotion, these bots keep a constant pulse on the market’s heartbeat.

By minimizing human influence, they've leveled the playing field, applying the same trading logic to all transactions. They don't get swayed by fear or driven by greed — they're just cold, hard numbers turning gears.

Even more, the advent of high-frequency trading, thanks to bots, has unlocked new revenue avenues for big Wall Street corporations. Profiting from micro-changes in stock prices, these bots make hay while the Wall Street sun shines — and even when it doesn't.

But all is not perfect in bot paradise.

Even the best-kept gardens have weeds. Like any human creation, these seemingly infallible bots can harbor a tiny glitch.

And my 52-0 track record is proof that I’ve discovered one of them.

Curious? I'll be pulling back the curtain on this glitch today at 1pm Eastern.

I'll share how, despite all their resources, Wall Street might have messed up bigtime…

Because on one specific ticker, when a certain set of conditions are met, I’ve had a 100% track record of placing a winning trade.

Click here to register your spot and join me live today to hear how I’ve discovered this trading bot’s Achilles' heel.

Hope to see you there,

— Jeffry Turnmire
P.S. As I always say, “past performance is not indicative of future results”. This trading glitch could go away at any time. But for over a year it’s been working again and again.

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