
Where it all went wrong

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Long before ChatGPT hit headlines... I embarked on an AI adventure of my own. About five years ago, I tried to combine everything I'd learned in my career (including the 20 factors determining the "Bullish", "Neutral", and "Bearish" ratings in my Power Gauge system)...

Dear Louis,

Long before ChatGPT hit headlines...

I embarked on an AI adventure of my own.

About five years ago, I tried to combine everything I'd learned in my career (including the 20 factors determining the "Bullish", "Neutral", and "Bearish" ratings in my Power Gauge system)...

...with the promising technology of generative AI.

As you know, I'm obsessively interested in technology and always have been.

But after six months of trial and error, I moved on to other things.

Well, last week, I learned exactly where it all went wrong.

You see, I sat down with a Harvard-course-educated software engineer that found the piece of the puzzle that kept evading me during my own AI journey.

Since the Power Gauge is designed to determine where a stock could be 9-12 months into the future, I was trying to develop an AI system that could do the same thing.

But, it turns out... I was looking too far into the future.

You see, after six long years of iterating and developing his own AI technology, my friend realized AI works best for predicting where a stock will be exactly 30 days in the future.

And to be frank, that's something even my Power Gauge isn't designed to do.

I was amazed by how sophisticated his entire operation was.

He's backed by a team of software engineers and data scientists you'd typically only find at a Wall Street hedge fund.

So if you are interested in AI or simply want to generate high-probability trade ideas for where virtually any stock will be 30 days in the future...

I invite you to see how it all works right here.


Marc Chaikin
Founder, Chaikin Analytics


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