
Has Oil’s Bull Market Already Begun?

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Dear Loyal Reader,

If you're just reading the daily news headlines about oil, then you're NOT getting the full story.

According to Charles, the truth about the oil market is both more simple — and more shocking — than most investors would realize.

That's why he's urging readers to take action now … before you miss out on the biggest gains of oil's new bull market.

Scroll down for the full story

— Jaclyn

From: Charles Mizrahi
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Subject: Oil Headed to $300 per Barrel (and Beyond)

Dear Reader,

Just yesterday, Forbes announced: "Oil is going to $300 per barrel."

JPMorgan Chase believes oil could go even higher — to $380 per barrel.

And Business Insider believes a Russian price cap could send oil all the way to $400 per barrel.

That's five times higher than oil is today.

Prices like those would transform the $2 trillion oil market practically overnight.

And they'd kick off a lasting bull market that could make a fortune for energy investors.

How can I be so certain?

Because it's already happened … twice.

It's the same supply and demand story we saw in 1973, after OPEC's oil embargo, and again in 1998, just as China's economy was heating up.

In both of those cases, short supply met surging demand — and oil prices climbed over 1,000% in just a few short years.

Only this time, a 1,000% rise would take oil as high as $500 per barrel:

That's why I highly recommend you watch this now.

You'll see why higher oil prices are now INEVITABLE. And you'll hear all about my No. 1 oil investment for 2023.

This company is doing everything right.

It has hundreds of millions of barrels in oil reserves.

Millions of acres of land it can drill on.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in free cash flow.

And zero bank debt.

These are the sort of companies that can quickly double in an oil bull market. When oil prices head higher, stocks like this could double in a year or less.

The full details about my No. 1 oil and gas recommendation are HERE.


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Charles Mizrahi
Founder, Alpha Investor


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