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Manward Financial Digest

AI's Promethean Moment


NOW is the Moment You've Been Waiting For

On October 19th, a historic unveiling in Orlando, FL could reshape the stock market and create a once-in-20 years investment opportunity. Learn more here (incls. free stock ticker.)

Amanda Heckman

Amanda Heckman

There are times in human history so transformational... so world-changing... that they are called Promethean moments.

These moments are named for the Greek god Prometheus. He created humankind from clay... but he also defied the Olympian gods by giving fire to humans in the form of technology, knowledge and civilization. (And got into a heck of a lot of trouble for doing so.)

[The Man Who Called the Market Bottoms in '02, '09 and '20 Makes Shocking Prediction. Click Here to Find Out What It Is.]

Other Promethean moments include...

  • The invention of the printing press
  • The scientific revolution
  • The agricultural revolution
  • The industrial revolution
  • The creation of nuclear power
  • The invention of the internet and the rise of personal computing.

Each of these events introduced new tools and new ways of thinking that were all-encompassing. They touched on - and transformed - all aspects of humanity: how we lived, how we worked, how we learned, how we fought wars.

Now we have arrived at our next Promethean moment...


Bestselling Financial Author Warns:
How to Protect Your Money From China's Evil
Plot to Destroy America

Ambassadors at a Table

The man CNBC calls "the Market Maven," who has consulted with several of the world's billionaires and political leaders...

Just issued a rare warning urging investors to immediately protect their money...

Before China can fully execute their sinister plot to destroy America.

Smart investors should watch this video NOW to receive all the important details on this looming crisis.


AI is about to change everything. (In many areas, the changes are already underway.)

Healthcare... insurance... agriculture... manufacturing... energy... automotive... electronics... retail... financial services...

There won't be a single industry that isn't touched by AI in some way.

AI has the potential to transform all aspects of human life...

And make investors a lot of money.

Billions are already being spent on AI technology.

The U.S government committed $2.5 billion to AI research and development in 2022.

IBM invested $2 billion into the tech.

Google invested $3.9 billion.

And Microsoft invested $10 billion.

Then you have famed investors like Warren Buffett, who put $21 million into an AI tech portfolio... and huge firms like Andreessen Horowitz, which invested $100 million... and SoftBank Group, which dedicated $28 billion to the tech.

They are all banking on a huge payout. According to PricewaterhouseCooper, AI could contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

That's more than the current output of China and India combined!

While the prospect of huge gains in worker productivity has many companies salivating...

Let's look at just one sector that is about to get a huge boost.


Multimillionaire Investor: "Hands Down the Most Lucrative Discovery of My Entire Career"

Account Balance on Phone

Peabody Award-winning journalist Bill Tucker sat down with a reclusive multimillionaire trader... 858 miles OUTSIDE of Wall Street... to discuss a revolutionary new trading strategy that involves...

One ticker... one trade... every week.

The fast-hitting profit potential is extraordinary.

[Learn More]

The American manufacturing sector has struggled to maintain its footing in the global economy. Growth has slowed dramatically... and production faces many challenges...

Not the least of which is a severe labor shortage.

Forbes reports that even if every skilled worker in America was employed...

There would still be 35% more job openings than skilled workers to fill them.

And with many jobs held by retiring baby boomers... it will get worse.

That's where AI can step in.

AI-powered robots could fill many of these jobs, reducing labor costs by at least 75%.

And they can provide 24-hour, continuous production...

Leading to higher yields and fewer errors.

McKinsey confirms these innovations could create up to $3.7 trillion in value by 2025.

"Made in America" will never look so good.

But this is only one of the sectors that stand to benefit.

AI will touch every sector... every industry... every corner of our economy.

And we've just released our #1 way to play it.

This virtually unknown $10 company is at the center of it all... and will help make AI's Promethean moment possible.

Get the details here.

Stock of the Week: An AI Power Player in Healthcare


As the world's population gets older... and healthcare gets more expensive... the companies working to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes should be on every investor's radar.

And the companies doing it with even more efficiency thanks to AI? Well, they could pay the biggest rewards. That's why you're going to like this Stock of the Week. Click here or on the image below to watch the video.

S&P 500 Earnings Yield Minus Real Bond Yield

The Market Cares About Just 4 Things


Here's a secret about investing that the mainstream doesn't want you to know... The markets respond to only four factors. And if everything comes together - that's a big "if" - we could see even higher stock prices over the next 12 months. Keep reading...

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Amanda Heckman

Amanda Heckman is the editorial director of Manward Press. With unrivaled meticulousness, she has spent the past dozen or so years sharpening Andy's already razorlike wit... and has worked with numerous bestselling authors and award-winning financial gurus along the way.


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