
AI is tired...what is next

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SEPT 12, 2023
Time To Look Somewhere Other Than AI For Growth?

As the third quarter of 2023 draws to a close, AI has been a great play, but it seems to be getting tired. What other market segments are worth a look? And what stands to lose as we head into the last quarter of 2023?

And as always, stocks are popping and dropping. Stay tuned for live market analysis as Jeffry calls out today’s potential plays!

Click here to watch now!

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The Rise of the Machines: How Algorithms Rule the Trading World

In today's fast-paced stock market, a quiet revolution has been taking place.

But this revolution is not led by humans in sharp suits frantically shouting buy and sell orders.

No, it’s led by silent, lightning-quick algorithms that are quietly shaping the trading landscape.

These algorithms, or 'bots' as they are often called, have rapidly evolved from being a complementary tool to becoming the driving force behind market dynamics.

Let's delve into this fascinating transformation and explore how algorithms are now the undisputed rulers of the trading world.

The story begins with the increasing complexity of financial markets. In our digital age, the volume of data generated by market activity is astronomical.

It's beyond the capacity of any human trader to process, analyze, and react to this ocean of information in real-time. That's where algorithms come in.

They possess the ability to ingest, process, and act on this data within milliseconds — something no human could ever hope to match.

But it's not just their speed that's remarkable. Algorithms operate on a level of precision that humans simply cannot replicate consistently.

They strictly follow their predefined rules and parameters, eliminating emotional biases that often plague human decision-making. Fear, greed, and overconfidence have no place in their world.

The impact of algorithms extends beyond their trading speed and precision. 

They have transformed the way markets operate. High-frequency trading (HFT), where algorithms execute a large number of rapid-fire trades, has become a dominant force.

While each individual trade might yield only a small profit, the cumulative effect over time can be substantial.

 What does this mean for traders like you and me? It means we must understand and adapt to this new reality.

But while algorithms have undeniable strengths, they also have vulnerabilities. Recognizing patterns in algorithmic behavior can provide traders with an edge. It's like learning to predict the moves of a formidable opponent.

For more than a year, I've been closely observing a specific ticker and have identified a pattern that has yielded an incredible 59 consecutive wins with 0 losses. Yes, you read that correctly.

If that sounds interesting, I'll be hosting a live webinar this Wednesday, September 13th @ 1 pm Eastern to reveal the details of this pattern…

Including how my followers and I have been playing it to our advantage.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the world of trading algorithms and discover a pattern that's been a game-changer for me.

Click here to reserve your spot and get ready to join me this Wednesday.

Trade well,

— Jeffry Turnmire

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