
Can ChatGPT "Juice" Returns?

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Can ChatGPT "Juice" Returns?

Dear Reader,

Recently, the University of Florida released a backtest showing that an investment model powered by ChatGPT…

Returned 512% over a fifteen-month stretch that included the tough market in 2022.

For comparison, the S&P 500 posted a loss of 12%.

And every investor wants to know…

How can I target winning stocks with the help of ChatGPT?

Top investment firms are already scrambling to catch up.

JP Morgan Chase posted more than 3,600 AI-related jobs between February and April, right after ChatGPT was released to the public.

Citigroup posted 2,100.

Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas posted more than 1,000 each.


They're desperately offering as much as $400,000 pay packages to new college graduates with minimal investing experience.

Unfortunately for them… there are very few experienced financial analysts in the world that understand how to use generative AI, like ChatGPT…

To target winning stocks.

Fortunately for you… we have our own in-house specialist.

Alpesh Patel is an expert in using new technology to juice stock gains.

Two decades ago, he wrote the international best-selling book Trading Online.

He's managed hundreds of millions of dollars for his wealthy hedge fund clients since 2005.

This year, he's already been tapped by Business Insider, Financial Times, and Yahoo! Finance to explain ChatGPT's effects on investing.

And between January and June, he ran two tests using ChatGPT to target winning stocks.

In the first test, he used his AI-enhanced strategy to create a "watchlist" of 69 stocks.

Nearly three out of four stocks on the list were winners…

With top gains of 109%, 131%, 138%, and 189%.

Then in July, he ran a backtest to see if he could improve upon his findings…

And what he discovered could only be described as "shocking."

On Wednesday, September 13 at 2pm Eastern, Alpesh will go live on The AI Super Trader Summit to demonstrate exactly how his ChatGPT-enhanced strategy works.

He'll become the first acting hedge fund manager we know of to share his strategy with Main Street investors.

He'll reveal his findings from his two "shocking" tests.

And he's going to give away the name of a sub-$1 AI stock he believes could 10X in the next two years.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you want to know how ChatGPT can juice your returns.

Click here to reserve your spot now.

Yours in smart speculation,

Ryan Fitzwater Signature

Ryan Fitzwater, Franchise Publisher
Monument Traders Alliance

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