
I have two words for you.

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Jeffry. Turnmire.

I have two words for you:

Jeffry. Turnmire.

This unique investor has been able to clinch 100 wins with just one ticker!

Granted, he cannot guarantee future returns or against losses, but…

He is gearing up for what could be his 101st win!

Check out this training to see if the 60 Minute Surge is right for you!

Trade well,

Jack Carter

Disclaimer: Since its inception on January 3, 2022, Jeffry's system has issued 166 total trades. 100 have been winners, with 66 losers, for a win rate of 60%. The average trade, winners and losers, has been 11.26%, and the average time in trade is 57 minutes. This performance does not guarantee future results. You should never risk more than you are willing to lose.


Disclaimer: Since its inception on January 3, 2022, Jeffry's system has issued 166 total trades. 100 have been winners, with 66 losers, for a win rate of 60%. The average trade, winners and losers, has been 11.26%, and the average time in trade is 57 minutes. This performance does not guarantee future results. You should never risk more than you are willing to lose.


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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