
Remember Xerox

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SEPT 14, 2023
What Year Is It? (XRX)

Remember Xerox (XRX)?

Back in the day, Xerox was so ingrained in our everyday lives, we used it as a verb.

“I’ll be back. I have to go Xerox a few copies…”

It was no different than how we use “Google”.

And XRX stock was unassailable. It was AAPL before Apple. Check out this chart of Xerox in the 1990s:


That’s a $25 to $160 move. It looks like a tech stock.

And everybody loved it. The company would be on top forever and the stock would never go down. 



XRX looked like a tech stock and, in the Dot Com Crash, it cratered like one. 

It never really recovered and everyone forgot about it for decades.

But, crazily, it’s coming back around.

In fact, XRX is in the #1 sector in the world right now (Computer Peripherals). 

Here’s the chart:


It’s moved above its long-term moving average and has formed a sideways base.

A break above $17.20 could lead to a big, nostalgic move up. 

We’ll keep an eye on it.

— Scott Welsh

P.S. As a reminder, these plays are based on my longer-term Weinstein Stage Analysis method. The charts above use weekly candles and a 30 week simple moving average. For details on this method, see my explanation on this Ask The Pros episode starting at timestamp 20:45.
Apple's Resilience in the Face of Challenges: A Look Beyond the Headlines

It's no secret that Apple's stock has taken a hit recently. Following the release of the iPhone 15, the tech giant's shares experienced a dip.

Add to that the whispers of potential bans from China, and it's easy to see why some investors might be feeling a tad uneasy.

But here's the thing: while today's headlines might paint a grim picture, it's essential to remember that Apple has weathered far more significant storms in the past.

This isn't their first rodeo, and if history has taught us anything, it's that Apple's culture of relentless innovation and adaptability has always seen them emerge stronger.

A Legacy of Overcoming Challenges

Apple's journey has been punctuated with challenges. From fierce competition to regulatory hurdles, they've faced it all.

But what sets Apple apart is their unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and their ability to adapt.

Their resilience isn't just about bouncing back; it's about forging ahead, setting new industry standards, and redefining what's possible.

The Power of Innovation and Adaptability

Innovation is at the heart of Apple's DNA. From the first Apple IIc computer to the iMac to the iPod, the first iPhone all the way through to the latest models…

They've consistently raised the bar — setting the standard for competitors to aspire to and offering users unparalleled experiences.

But it's their adaptability – their knack for pivoting and evolving in the face of challenges – that truly sets them apart.

Whether it's tweaking product designs, exploring new markets, or navigating geopolitical landscapes, Apple's agility has been a cornerstone of their success.

Looking Beyond the Present

While the current dip in stock prices might be a concern for some, it's crucial to view it in the broader context.

Apple's track record speaks for itself. In fact, remember the small dip we’ve seen over the past 6 weeks comes after breaking ground as the first company ever to surpass a $3 Trillion market cap.

And that was after they were also the first to reach $1 Trillion and $2 Trillion.

In short, Apple’s ability to innovate, adapt, and lead has cemented their position as industry trailblazers.

And despite some speed bumps along the way, I don’t expect anything to fundamentally change.

Another Way To Trade It

I've spent over a decade studying AAPL, and what I've unearthed is a series of "profit cycles" that the stock undergoes.

These cycles, if understood and leveraged correctly, can offer unique trading opportunities. “Buy and hold” could be a thing of the past.

Curious to learn more?

I've recently recorded a video where I did a brain dump of all the most important talking points — including how I’ve been playing these “profit cycles” to my advantage for years.

If you're ready to discover what I believe is the "perfect" way to trade AAPL, click here to watch the video I've specially recorded for you.

— Micah Lamar

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