
Time For Games

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SEPT 12, 2023
These Gaming Stocks Could Be Ready To Break Out

About a month ago, we looked at DKNG.

It had moved nicely after a breakout and was consolidating, possibly building up momentum for a break above $34.50.

It’s creeping toward that level now:


In that same sector, IGT (International Game Technology) is doing the same thing.

It’s consolidating its energy for a possible breakout:


With a lessening of inflation and some bullish conditions, one or both of these stocks could surge strongly if they can break their trigger level. ($34.50 for DKNG; $34.00 for IGT)

The hottest one — the one that will run the most — will probably break first.

We’ll keep an eye on it.

— Scott Welsh

P.S. As a reminder, these plays are based on my longer-term Weinstein Stage Analysis method. The charts above use weekly candles and a 30 week simple moving average. For details on this method, see my explanation on this Ask The Pros episode starting at timestamp 20:45.
Trading Psychology: The Edge Humans Have Over Bots

When every second counts and markets fluctuate in the blink of an eye, you  might assume that algorithms and trading bots have the upper hand.

After all, they have speed and precision beyond human capability.

Yet, there's one crucial factor that gives human traders a distinct advantage over their algorithmic counterparts — psychology.

Let's dive into the fascinating realm of trading psychology and explore how understanding and leveraging these psychological factors can provide human traders with a winning edge.

When we talk about trading psychology, we're delving into an intricate web of emotions, biases, and instincts that influence our trading decisions.

Fear, greed, overconfidence, and even the fear of missing out (FOMO) are just a few of the emotional aspects that impact our judgment.

While algorithms operate in a cold, calculated manner, humans are inherently emotional beings.

The real challenge for human traders is learning to control and channel these emotions effectively.

It's about recognizing when fear might lead to a hasty exit or when greed might keep you in a trade longer than you should.

Mastering your emotional response is a crucial step towards consistent success in trading.

One advantage humans possess is intuition — a gut feeling that can't be programmed into algorithms. This intuitive sense, honed through experience, can guide traders in making decisions that algorithms might miss.

Human traders can adapt to changing market conditions, using their intuition to sense shifts in sentiment or detect opportunities that algorithms can't perceive.

Moreover, humans have the ability to analyze broader economic and geopolitical trends, allowing them to make informed decisions based on a holistic view of the world.

Algorithms, on the other hand, rely solely on reading data and predefined rules.

So, how can human traders leverage these insights into trading psychology?

By recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, traders can develop strategies that play to their strengths.

They can implement risk management techniques, set clear trading plans, and practice discipline to minimize the impact of emotional biases.

Speaking of algorithms, I have an exciting revelation to share with you.

Not only can we harness our own trading psychology to outwit the bots.

Sometimes we can spot flaws in those bots that give us an incredible advantage.

I’ll give you a shocking example:

For more than a year, I've been studying one specific ticker and have uncovered a pattern that has led me and my followers to an astounding 59 consecutive wins with 0 losses.

It's a testament to the fact that bots aren’t flawless — and we can outwit them with the proper legwork.

If you’d like to hear more, join me this Wednesday at 1 pm Eastern for a live webinar where I'll reveal the details of this pattern…

Including how my followers and I have been harnessing it for our trading success.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into a winning pattern that's changed the game for me.

Click here to register your spot now!

Trade safe,

— Jack Carter

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