
Two Lofty Targets for ABNB

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SEPT 17, 2023
ABNB: Where It’s Been And Where It’s Going

AirBNB has been making headlines recently, and not all for the right reasons.

New York City's recent legislative moves to restrict property rentals have cast a shadow over the platform… raising concerns among investors and users alike.

Not the least of which is that other cities might soon follow suit.

But, for those who follow Jeffry’s market analysis, the focus has been slightly different.

In early July, with ABNB trading around the low $130s, Jeffry made a bold prediction — ABNB could be on its way to a price range of 220 to 250:


Fast forward to early August, after ABNB had surged to 154…

Jeffry dropped another insight, suggesting that the stock could retrace its steps to test the 124 mark.


Sure enough…

Almost as if on command — a few weeks later, it bounced off the 124 and has been heading higher ever since.


But Jeffry wasn't done.

Just under 2 weeks ago, in early September, he provided another gem.

He gave us a shorter-term target for ABNB…

Suggesting that it could reach 163 by the end of the year — but only if it closes above 143:


A few days later it made the necessary close above 143…

So is it blue skies ahead? Not so fast.

ABNB started slumping a bit over the last couple of days, so we reached out to Jeffry to see what he’d say.

He responded with a confident thumbs up.

Both targets are still on the table — but he did offer a word of caution.

While he remains optimistic about the longer-term target of 220-250, he emphasized that it would require the move to unfold almost perfectly.

On the other hand, the 163 target seems more attainable, and he still expects it to be hit by year's end.

While the world watches AirBNB's legal battles, Jeffry and his Discord followers are playing a different game.

They're watching the numbers, making predictions, and so far, reaping the rewards of their foresight.

As we approach year's end, all eyes will be on ABNB to see if it hits that 163 target.

And while no one gets it right all the time, this looks like a great series of calls Jeffry has made so far.

Enjoy and trade safe!

— The Prosperity Pub Team

P.S. To join Jeffry’s Discord and get a front row seat for plays like, all you need to do is be a paying client of Jeffry’s. And you can do that for just $5 by clicking right here.

You’ll get his trusted Market Roadmap indicator as well as 3 months access to Discord for less than the price of a meal. That’s a steal!
Computers Aren’t Flawless

Do either of these screens seem familiar to you?

If they do, you've probably experienced that sinking feeling in your gut as you restart your computer…

Hoping against hope that your unsaved work miraculously survived.

Despite the remarkable advancements in technology, it's clear that computers, like us, aren't infallible. Mistakes happen, systems crash, and sometimes, everything just goes awry.

Now, what if I were to tell you that even Wall Street’s biggest, fastest, most powerful computers aren’t immune to these hiccups?

Despite their incredible sophistication, Wall Street's intricate algorithms and automated trading bots aren't exempt from the occasional stumble.

Let's take a look at the Flash Crash of 2010, for instance.

In a matter of minutes, automated trading bots reacted to erroneous trades, resulting in a nearly $1 trillion plunge in stock market value.

Or consider the Knight Capital glitch in 2012, where an algorithmic mishap cost the firm an astonishing $440 million in a mere 45 minutes.

While these examples might seem like scenes from a financial thriller, they show how even minor glitches in these automated algorithms can lead to substantial financial consequences.

But what if we could flip the script and turn these flaws into our advantage?

Throughout my years as a trader, I've invested countless hours dissecting the algorithms that power these automated trading bots, hunting for patterns.

And in the course of my investigations, I stumbled upon a recurring 'glitch.'

A small but persistent anomaly in the pricing of a particular asset triggered by one of these bots.

Here's the exciting part: I've uncovered a way to transform this glitch into an unbroken winning streak.

A streak so consistent that I've notched up an impressive 59 consecutive profitable trades without a single loss.

If you're intrigued by the idea of leveraging Wall Street's errors to your benefit, I've got something extraordinary in the pipeline for you.

I recently recorded a video for you where I delve deeper into this mysterious 'glitch' and show how I've been taking advantage of it.

I’d love for you to click here and watch it.

Hope you enjoy,

Jeffry Turnmire


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