
Until We Get Some Clarity… Be Fussy

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SEPT 11, 2023
It’s Time To Be Picky With Your Trades

As expected, the Oil & Gas sector continues to perform well while real estate looks to be struggling.

There is still ambiguity even after the Labor Day holiday, with market indicators seemingly at odds with individual stock price action.

Clarity will return, so in the meantime be fussy and stick to clear Big Money Footprint setups near Key Levels.

Here is this week’s watchlist:


Follow the money,

— Guy Cohen
Fed Up with Wall Street's Robo-Traders? Learn How to Turn the Tables...

When you imagine Wall Street in your head, what comes to mind?

Most of us envision a bustling hive of traders, energetically shouting orders in a frantic frenzy.

However, the reality of today's Wall Street is quite different.

The bustling chaos has given way to a serene, calculated presence.

One where robots, sophisticated trading algorithms, or 'bots' that now rule the roost.

Imagine these 'bots' as ultra-smart traders. They never rest — operating at breathtaking speeds, and guided by a set of meticulously crafted rules known as algorithms.

These algorithms instruct the bots precisely when to engage in the buying and selling of various assets, such as stocks.

These buying and selling rules are based on criteria like price, timing, trading volumes, and other market intricacies.

Unlike us humans, these bots make a ton of trades at a breakneck speed that we could never achieve

Wall Street has developed an affection for these bots for several compelling reasons...

First and foremost, these bots serve as lightning-fast calculators, processing vast quantities of data and executing trades in under a second.

This speed gives Wall Street a distinct advantage, enabling them to capitalize on promising trades ahead of the competition.

Furthermore, bots significantly reduce the potential for errors.

Unlike human traders, they are impervious to fear, overconfidence, or greed, which can lead to costly mistakes.

Bots stick faithfully to their predefined rules, executing trades only when the conditions align perfectly.

Another intriguing aspect is the concept of high-frequency trading, where bots conduct tons of rapid-fire transactions. Over time, this can amass big profits, even if each individual trade yields only a tiny gain.

Thanks to their deep pockets, Wall Street spares no expense in developing these sophisticated trading bots, continually refining their performance.

This puts them light-years ahead of ordinary traders like us.

But don't lose hope! Even with Wall Street’s immense wealth and powerful computing capabilities...

They've got a little problem.

I've uncovered a tiny flaw in one of their trading bots.

It’s a glitch that has enabled me to string together an impressive streak of 58 consecutive winning trades, without a single loss!

If you want to hear more about it, I'll be going LIVE this Wednesday, September 13th @ 1pm Eastern to share all the details.

If you’d like to see how my followers and I have been playing this glitch to our advantage for more than a year, click here to register your spot.

Then be sure to set an alarm to join me this Wednesday at 1pm Eastern — This is an event you won’t want to miss!

Hope to see you there,

— Jeffry Turnmire

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