
An overnight option…

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In today’s market there is one indicator that outshines all others…

It’s not the RSI… 

The MacD Or any technical indicator…

The indicator I speak of is at the ground floor of almost every major market move ever

This indicator doesn’t lie…

It doesn’t bluff…

But it can lead you to the market's biggest opportunities…

Now, the indicator I’m speaking of is “Money

It’s what propels stocks higher…

And it’s a the ground floor of a recent discovery called an “overnight option


Granted, we’ve seen moves of all sizes… Some real big, some a little more modest. 

Even losses too. 

But this week Lance Ippolito and I are teaming up to host a special event where they’ll show you how to trade an Overnight Option

We’ll show what they are…

How to trade them…

And the tool to use to track them.

So if you want to sign up for our Overnight Options Class for free… 

Click this link here…

Jack Carter

The performances displayed here are historical examples based on scanner signals for the time period shown. The profits and performance shown are not based on any sort of typicality as there are no published alerts associated. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money.

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