
Misplaced priorities and “hidden” trades

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Hey, Steve here:

"Never let a good crisis go to waste." – Winston Churchill

With the Israeli conflict hitting levels not seen since 2006, the world is now considering the kinds of "second-order" effects involved here.

There's a lot of different ways this can play out, but it really does come down to Iran.

If Iran directed the Hamas attack through Qatar, then you have casus belli – justification for war – not just for Israel, but for the United States as well.

Strip away all the terrible acts that happened to other nationalities and just look at victims who were US citizens…

They Called the Bottom Every Single Time

There's a group of traders that have consistently signaled market lows with incredible accuracy over the last 15 years. 

They did it at the 2009 lows… the 2011 pullback… the dip in 2015… 2018… 

They signaled massive moves at the bottom of the Covid selloff… and again at the 2022 lows.

Right now, they're sending the same signals in three stocks. 

I gave away all the details in a recent recorded conversation… 

Click here to watch it now.

In Case You Missed It:

1. My #1 "all weather" strategy for $5 – full details here
2. 3 steps to protecting your wealth through the coming storm
3. New milestone for "safe haven" investment

To your trading success,

Steve Place

New here? To quickly orient you… 

We target stocks from a couple different vantage points. 

First — by following a group of people I like to call "the best traders you've never heard of. Spoiler… they're corporate insiders, and the same loophole that allows them to buy and sell their own stocks also allows us to follow their moves… often for explosive profits. Learn all about it right here.

We also leverage a little-known stock market "roadmap" to follow big institutional investors — the so-called smart money — and see the precise points where they are likely to buy and sell. I wrote a free guide to this strategy which you can read here — it also includes my No. 1 AI stock pick for 2023.

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