
The indie kids are coming

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Hey, Steve here:

Imagine a couple college kids filming an independent movie using an iPhone, artificial intelligence, and some special effects packages.

A decade ago it might show up at some obscure film festival, or Aspen if they're lucky.

Very soon, though, it will be difficult to tell the difference between Hollywood and indie productions…

Which spells disaster for the studios, because they are forced to use old business models. 

But what about firms that can adapt to it?

If you've got existing intellectual property and brands that are very well known, you can overlay all this new AI technology in a way to create value with much higher margins. 

We've discovered a company in this space…

Exposing the Billion-Dollar Stock Market Lie

There's a stock market lie that's been perpetuated for decades…

And it's likely cost you countless amounts in missed opportunities. 

 That's because the "powers that be" want so badly to keep it under wraps…

They've spent billions covering it up.


Because this information is so powerful… and so lucrative… 

They'll do anything to keep it all for themselves. 

Well, that ends today.

Click here and I'll show you everything.

In Case You Missed It:

1. 21% on Apple in 5 hours (here's how)
2. New Jersey mechanic goes from near bankruptcy to debt-free
3. Simple strategy for IPO investing

To your trading success,

Steve Place

New here? To quickly orient you… 

We target stocks from a couple different vantage points. 

First — by following a group of people I like to call "the best traders you've never heard of. Spoiler… they're corporate insiders, and the same loophole that allows them to buy and sell their own stocks also allows us to follow their moves… often for explosive profits.Learn all about it right here.

We also leverage a little-known stock market "roadmap" to follow big institutional investors — the so-called smart money — and see the precise points where they are likely to buy and sell. I wrote a free guide to this strategy which you can read here — it also includes my No. 1 AI stock pick for 2023.

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