
A Rally Gaining Momentum

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NOV 15, 2023
A Year End Santa Rally Is Looking More Likely

Last week’s guidance was for a consolidation, perhaps even a pullback — and then provided there was no bad news, then a Santa rally.

Well, from Monday to Thursday last week, we did get a sideways move of sorts — though it wasn’t classic by any means! And then Friday we started to pull away with anger.

We’ve barely paused for breath for over two weeks, and while Friday was a big bullish momentum day, we will have to take a breather soon before the next push up.

Follow the money,

— Guy Cohen
Stairway To Success


Bitcoin’s down almost 5% over the past 5 days:


Without a big picture view, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily drops.

But if you can avoid getting caught up in the moment-to-moment price action, you’ll zoom out and see that over the past month it’s up nearly 25%:


And zoom out even further, and you can see that Bitcoin has absolutely been on fire all year long… albeit in a bit of a choppy, stair step manner:

My point in bringing this up is that I am very bullish on Bitcoin over the next 24 months.

Not only is Bitcoin heading into a halving period in roughly 7 months… (a phenomenon which has historically caused Bitcoin to surge massively)

But all the traditional financial institutions who used to point and laugh at Bitcoin (not to mention calling it names)… are suddenly changing their tune:


If you are old enough to remember what it was like when fax machines first came out… Do you remember what the biggest problem in the early days of fax machines was?

It was that your company might have a fax machine, but if other companies didn’t have one, you were stuck…  unable to send the fax.

But once more and more people started getting fax machines, suddenly the utility of your fax machine went up… because you could send faxes to more people.

This is called a network effect…

It’s when the value or utility of a thing you own goes up because other people are now able to “interact” with it.

This kind of thing exists everywhere… In the early days, email addresses were only for hobbyists, but as computers became more popular and internet connections reached every home, suddenly everyone had an email address.

The same thing is happening to Bitcoin as we speak.

We’re currently in the “early days'' of Bitcoin, where the infrastructure that supports it is patchy and difficult to navigate. But the day is coming when Bitcoin could be ubiquitous.

And that day isn’t far off. With big financial players finally jumping on board, it might not be long before everyone and their grandma is using Bitcoin.

And it’s at that point that I expect its value to soar astronomically.

— Jeffry Turnmire

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