
Brand new income loophole!

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Weekly opportunities paid out 14%, 17.7% and 21.4%!

Jeffry Turnmire just uncovered a brand new income loophole

One that targets 3x the income he usually gets! 

Weekly opportunities have paid out 14%... 17.7% ... even 21.4%! 

And, so far, they have a perfect win rate too.

When you consider that most income available now – even with higher interest rates – is 4 or 5 percent in an entire year…

I am sure you can see why he is so excited about a loophole targeting about 100X that over the same period of time.

On Tuesday, Jeffry is sitting down for a LIVE training to show you exactly how this income loophole works and how to tap into it.

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Disclaimers: The above referenced trades are from three of Jeffry’s different trading strategies. Opening Bell Alerts has won 100 of 166 trade alerts since January 2022, with an average trade (winners and losers) of 11.26%. Green Light Income Alerts has issued 60 trades, with 58 winners and two open trades. The average win is 5-7%. His Indicator is a discretionary trading tool and does not maintain a track record. Please keep in mind that all trades are examples of top performers and do not reflect a “typical” result. Never risk more than you can afford to lose.

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