
URGENT UPDATE: (NASDAQ: SVRE) Volume Surging (Open, You Need This Info)

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New NASDAQ Breakout Alert For 11/21 Trading Session

(NASDAQ: SVRE) $.35/share Gets a Bullish $5.00 Price Target

10XProTrader Member,

Pay close attention, its for your benefit....

Here is why YOU need todays alert (SVRE)...

#1. The daily volumes average according to Yahoo finance is 137k a day.

#2. The stock has already DOUBLED its normal daily volume average within 1 hr.

#3. When the volume surges like it is right now, is a key BULLISH signal

#4. The stock has a jaw-dropping 1,400%+ upside according to Wall Street

Let me ask you this.

How many stocks are you aware of that has 1,400%+ upside? If so what is the symbol, can you show me please?

Do NOT Miss This Premium Alerts Potential

SVRE shares could sky-rocket based on Wall Streets most respected publication, "Barrons" mentions Analyst 12-month target price of $5.00/shr.

Want a Stock With 1,400%+ Upside Based On Analyst 12-Month Projections?

SaverOne is a technology company traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and on NASDAQ Stock Exchange. SaverOne was founded in 2014 to save lives, inspired by a media story about the impact of distracted driving caused by cell phone use, a phenomenon which dramatically increases the number of deaths and injuries.

According to studies, in the U.S. alone the annual cost of car accidents is approx. $300 Bln, with 25% of the accidents related to cell phone use while driving. The company has developed a unique system which provides a solution to the problem of distracted driving caused by cell phone use, which endangers the driver, his/her passengers, other drivers on the road and pedestrians.

SaveOne Ltd. (NASDAQ: SVRE) into Wall Street's Spotlight.

SaverOne is a technology company engaged in the design, development and commercialization of OEM and aftermarket solutions and technologies, to lower the risk of, and prevent, vehicle accidents.

SaverOne's initial line of products is a suite of solutions that saves lives by preventing car accidents resulting from distraction from the use of mobile phones while driving. SaverOne is also developing a sensor system for early location and direction detection under all visibility conditions of vulnerable road users (VRU) through their cellphone footprint.

SVRE trading at $.35 receives $5.00 Target Represents 1,400%+ Upside

A big catalyst that could potentially send shares vertical is Wall Streets Respected Technical Analysis site Investing.com issued SVRE a Bullish STRONG BUY Rating, which could be signaling a breakout to the upside.

How The Software Technology Works

  • Driver Mobile Recognition: When the driver enters the vehicle, the system detects the cell phone in the driver's area and connects to the SaverOne application.

  • Establish Connection: When the vehicle starts moving, SaverOne shifts the phone to safe mode, preventing the use of all distracting applications (such as text messages or email), while allowing the use of non-distracting applications (companies can pre-define which applications can be used while driving).

  • Vehicle Protected: Other passengers in the car can use their cell phones freely. If the phone in the driver's area is not connected to the system, an alert sounds, reminding the driver to reconnect or place the phone outside the driver's area.

  • While in Safe-Mode: While in Safe-Mode, incoming messages are not displayed on the phone. Instead, the sender receives a pre-defined automatic message, such as: "I am driving and protected by SaverOne. You are welcome to call" (the message can be customized).

  • Engine Off: When the engine is turned off, the driver will see all the messages that were not displayed while driving. The Child Reminder feature is activated, reminding the driver to check the back seat.

SaveOne System Features

  • Support of up to 5 phones in the vehicle and up to 3 connected to the system

  • Alarm when the system finds an unconnected phone located in the driver's area

  • Blocks the driver incoming messages while driving with an automatic text-response

  • Full support of Android and iOS phones

  • Seamless Over-The-Air software updates

Additional Overview of SaveOne (NASDAQ: SVRE)

Founded in 2014 with a mission to make roads safer for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike, SaverOne develops cellular network-based technological solutions for reducing road accidents. Our innovative system for identifying and limiting the use of certain apps on mobile devices while operating a vehicle has already been widely adopted by dozens of companies in Israel.

SaverOne is also developing an additional system that can detect and warn the driver of VRU's (Vulnerable Road Users and pedestrians) crossing when the driver's field of vision is extremely limited. This system is currently in advanced stages of development.

Located in Israel, the company currently employs over 40 employees in its research and development, sales, business, operations, and support departments.

Traded on NASDAQ since 2020 (TASE: SVRE Nasdaq: SVRE*)

  • After-market segment: protecting existing cars, trucks, and buses; working with vehicle fleets.

  • Pre-Market OEM segment: integrating SaverOne's Protection technology in the vehicle assembly line.

The Target Market For SaveOne (NASDAQ: SVRE) Harnessing
Technology To Make Our Roads Safer

SaverOne's advanced solutions for saving lives on the road are powered by a patented AI technology that detects, locates and analyzes cell phone RF signals. The combination of proprietary hardware, software and algorithms serves as a blueprint for our innovative product lines.

SaverOne's primary target markets include commercial and private vehicle fleets that are interested in reducing potential damages and significant cost, vehicle manufacturers that are interested in integrating safety solutions to their vehicles, and insurance and leasing companies. SaverOne initially addresses car fleets with focus on the Israeli, European and US markets, as well as other markets around the world. SaverOne believes that ultimately increased focus on monitoring and prevention of cellular distraction systems in vehicles, in particular driven by upcoming expected EU regulation, will likely have a dramatic positive impact on the demand for its systems in the future.

The Company's strategy is to provide its technology for installation to customers in the aftermarket as well as address OEM vehicle manufacturers, to install the Company's protection technologies during the vehicle manufacturing process.

SaveOne Recent Company Developments

  • Further recent international expansion: a new pilot project on buses of an additional county in the Gulf region; a second pilot project in the United States with a new customer, a fueling transportation company; and SaverOne's first pilot in Europe marking an expansion with an existing customer.

  • SaverOne Strengthens Senior Management with Focus on Global Sales and Business Development: announced the appointment of Omri Hagai, as new CFO; Yoav Zilber appointed as Head of Business Development, US and Europe After-Market Product; Alon Refaeli appointed as Head of Business Development, Global OEM Market and Hila Vyzer appointed as Head of Israel Market Sales. The appointments augment and strengthen SaverOne's management team and its go-to-market efforts in international markets as well as the local market in Israel.

  • Diplomat, a leading importer and distributor of consumer goods throughout Israel, signed an agreement with SaverOne for an initial pilot program on 20 trucks out of Diplomat's full fleet of 45.

  • Cemex Group, a global leader in the building materials industry to install the SaverOne system across its entire employee car fleet and trucks in Israel. This follows  two prior orders covering portions of the fleet and the system is now being deployed on over 380 of Cemex' vehicles. There remains significant further potential in Cemex Group around the world.

  • Garbage collection and recycling leader, Argaman Ichut Hasviva in Israel, to install the SaverOne System across its entire fleet of 20 garbage trucks operating throughout the country.

  • SaverOne expanded its footprint among private bus fleets with over 160 new installations for various customers in the private bus fleet sector in Israel.

  • Universal Trucks Israel, importer of Isuzu Trucks to Israel, to install SaverOne's in-cabin DDPS on additional 40 Isuzu vehicles. This follows the successful implementation of the system in 100 Isuzu trucks in the first half of 2023. UTI represents significant further potential with a fleet of over 13,000 trucks and buses in Israel.

  • The Regional Council of Lev Hasharon to install the SaverOne system on its 14 school buses. The vertical of public transport is important in SaverOne's global penetration strategy.

  • Shaltal, one of the largest vehicle transport fleets in Israel, to install the SaverOne systems across its fleet of 150 trucks. Following an initial pilot phase of 25 vehicles, the agreement provides that the SaverOne system will be installed on the remaining 125 trucks.

  • EzFill Holdings in Miami, Florida, started a pilot program with SaverOne, its first in the United States on selected fuel delivery trucks.

  • Moviley Dror a leader in logistics and shipping for the Israeli supply chain market, to install the SaverOne protection system across its full fleet of 150 vehicles. Moviley Dror works closely with leading international logistics companies, representing further potential for SaverOne.

  • SaverOne joins the European Union's regulatory committee on driver distraction, the committee responsible for setting EU regulations for vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) for in-vehicle technologies that help detect driver distractions and improve road safety. SaverOne will participate in discussions, provide feedback and help craft regulations by contributing its strong expertise and insights to reduce driver distractions and better protect vulnerable road users.

  • Electra Afikim to install the SaverOne System across its entire bus fleet of ∼1,200 vehicles: Electra Afikim is one of the largest public transportation operators in Israel.  The public transportation sector is a key vertical, with potential to protect millions of vehicles, drivers, passengers and VRUs worldwide.

  • Leading Israeli construction group, Shapir Engineering, specializing in infrastructure projects which operates a fleet of hundreds of vehicles, including heavy trucks and cement trucks, ordered the SaverOne System for an initial pilot of 20 trucks.

  • Kfar Giladi Quarries installs SaverOne System on its full fleet of trucks: One of the biggest companies in the quarrying industry in Israel installed the SaverOne System on its fleet of heavy trucks. This win brings an additional heavy-industry customer, an important vertical, where the potential fleet size just in Israel is estimated in the tens of thousands.

  • Emek Yizrael regional council installs SaverOne System on all of its school buses: The full potential for this vertical in Israel is 54 regional councils. Furthermore, this vertical holds much more significant potential with a goal of providing protection for students traveling on school buses in the United States, Europe and elsewhere.

  • SaverOne System Installed on the large food delivery trucks of Shufersal – Israel's leading supermarket: The installation of the SaverOne System was completed on a group of 19 large delivery trucks with potential of the entire Shufersal truck fleet of 150 delivery trucks. This vertical of delivery trucks is a key growth area for SaverOne.

  • New collaboration with Colmobil – Israel Importer for Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi & Hyundai – to equip vehicles with SaverOne protection system. Under the collaboration agreement, Colmobil will work together with SaverOne to sell and install the SaverOne System into vehicles that it leases to its customers in order to prevent driver distraction from mobile phone use. This collaboration adds another key player in the Israeli market that will be able to lease vehicles to their customers with a SaverOne System pre-installed.

  • SaverOne System installed on 30 delivery trucks of Tempo beverages- Israel's leading beverage company, out of the local fleet of 120. Tempo represents leading global brands such as PepsiCo, Nestle's premium water and iced tea brands, Nestea, Perrier water, and many more.  The vertical of delivery trucks represents significant growth potential for SaverOne as well as further potential with international brand.

10 Bullish Catalysts That Have The Potential
To Generate Huge Upside

  • SaverOne (Nasdaq: SVRE) received $5.00 Analyst Target Price representing over 1,400%+ upside from the current price.

  • Talented leaders are at the reign. Management has 100+ years of combined experience and a deep knowledge of automotive safety and insurance. CEO Ori Gilboa has over 25 years of experience in the automotive and retail industry and prior to SaverOne, he served as CEO for James Richardson and the Negev Group, as well as General Manager of the auto division for Mayer's cars and trucks.

  • The company's technology is visionary and disruptive. Technology offers a fast, accurate, and robust identification of the driver's location. It also has deep AI domain use.

  • A strong market validation. The company has demonstrated successful programs with top-tier global companies and has a case study with major OEMs to be replicated globally.

  • Diversity of customer base. Customers include commercial fleets, privates, governmental organizations, as well as a diversity of automobile types (trucks, buses, private cars, etc.).

  • Already recognized and growing. 4000+ devices ordered, 100+ active customers in Israel, 3000+ device installations, pilots in USA, Europe.

  • Recurring value. The company has an optimal SaaS product with a massive TAM. Growth engine for vehicle manufacturers to drive recurring value.

  • Recent milestones are leading to accelerated growth. Second-generation technology and a global after-market product launch are fortifying an anticipated global expansion. Israel has functioned as a Mega Pilot Program, showing the company's global potential and multiple active customers are international companies who can be targeted for future global expansion.

  • A humanitarian signature. The company's technology has the potential to create a global, history mark on humanity. Increased government regulations, as well as the difficulty in enforcing laws, have led to a growing need for the company's solution.

  • Rising financial and social costs. The average settlement cost for a fatal accident involving a commercial fleet driver is $11 Mln. The total cost of traffic accidents in the U.S. is $850 Bln+. And distracted driving costs employers over $60 Bln.

SaverOne (NASDAQ: SVRE) is offering a winning solution to a growing problem.

There are many ways that one can become distracted while driving. A driver's mind may wander to the problems they have to face that day. They may reach for something in the passenger's seat or look at something on the side of the road. Perhaps worst of all, they may try to read or send a text message, which causes them to take their thoughts, eyes, and hands away from the task of driving.

I am urging you and all of my 10X members to add SaverOne (NASDAQ: SVRE) to the top of your watch list right now. As always, I encourage you to always conduct your own research.

Yours for greater gains,

Kevin Vander
Publisher, 10XProTrader.com Investment Research

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