
We should have done this sooner…

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We knew this was going to be popular…

But we couldn't have guessed the overwhelming response to our Crypto-Cram Sessions!

If you missed it…

For the very first time, we're making available cryptocurrency resources — from the basics to secrets, tips, tricks and expert insight — that have been reserved for our most expensive (and profitable) cryptocurrency service.

Our finance guys don't know how popular this is yet… Once they get wind, you can be sure the price is going to go up.

So secure your spot before that happens!

Click here to get to the secure order form now or review all the details below.

Dear Loyal Reader,

It's the crypto comeback they'll be talking about for decades to come.

The rally that the naysayers, skeptics and sideline-sitters will look back on and kick themselves for missing.

Every time crypto comes out of a downturn — like it's doing now — the market has always gone on to hit record price after record price.

Some people end up richer than they could have ever imagined. (We all have that one friend who won't stop talking about how early he got into bitcoin.)

And then there's the other half. The ones who continue to say: "If only…"

How much have you made in crypto? A few thousand? A few million?

Nothing at all?

I know that many of you reading this right now are eager to make your crypto fortune…

But maybe you don't know where to start. What cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, even are. How buying and selling is different from the traditional stock market.

Or maybe you need a refresher now that bitcoin isn't the only game in town…

Or perhaps you're a crypto expert eager to get your hands on all the information available ahead of this next crypto bull market.

That's why, for the first time ever, we're offering a stepping stone to the service that has produced Banyan Hill's highest gains of all time…

We're calling it the Crypto-Cram Sessions.

And we've never done anything like this before…

Our Top Crypto Resources With None of the Commitment

Subscribers to Ian King's Next Wave Crypto Fortunes are no strangers to the life-changing profits that can be made in the crypto markets.

After the market crash of 2020, Ian recommended three crypto investments to his readers.

Balancer. Solana. Nexus Mutual.

Balancer ran from roughly $14 to a peak of $71 just six months later. That's 430% in half a year.


In just four months, Ian told readers to cash out half their position for a gain of more than 1,900%. And that one kept right on rockin' — hitting a peak gain of over 15,000% within the year.

That bears repeating… A 15,000% gain within one year!

Nexus Mutual hit a peak of 594% just six months after Ian recommended it.

These gains happened during the last crypto bull market. It's no secret what happened next. Rising interest rates, the FTX scandal and inevitable growing pains of a soaring new asset class caused crypto prices to tank last year — these three recommendations included.

So while major peaks can turn into uncomfortable valleys … Ian believes the next crypto run-up will be even better.

As good as LUNA? It's not out of the question…

When Ian shared LUNA with his readers, it was selling for just $0.48. But it didn't stay there for long.

Within three months he recommended selling half — for a gain of nearly 4,000%. And he sold the second half within the year, capturing gains of more than 18,000%. The highest gain in our company's history.

With cryptos, perhaps even more important than knowing what and when to buy, is what and when to SELL.

As LUNA was soaring higher, Ian realized it was no longer sustainable and that it was headed for trouble. That's when he advised readers to sell… A full six months before it collapsed down to almost zero.

Ian King has a proven history of making bold predictions about the crypto market — predictions that all came true.

Giving his followers the opportunity to make a LOT of money.

But we know that even though you may be interested — eager even — to make your own crypto profits … you may not quite be ready to join Next Wave Crypto Fortunes.

That's why we're doing the Crypto-Cram Sessions.

Call it an experiment of sorts.

We're taking a group of interested people through a 14-day course of our best cryptocurrency videos and reports.

Our hope is that by the end, you'll be ready to take the next step and join the journey to crypto riches with Next Wave Crypto Fortunes … but there's absolutely no obligation to do that. Nothing you have to agree to. No automatic charges.

The Crypto-Cram Sessions are completely separate.

By the end of the course, you should know…

  • What gives crypto its value.
  • How (and where) to open a wallet.
  • Where you should not store your coins.
  • How much of your money you should invest in cryptos.
  • The two cryptos Ian King thinks everyone should own no matter what.

Here's how it works…

14 Days to Master Cryptocurrencies

Every day for two weeks you will get an email from us.

It'll have a video to watch (between 10 and 20 minutes long) or a short report to read. Every other day, we'll recap the previous day's session and include some of the most frequently asked questions (and answers!) we get from readers about the content.

For example … many people don't know that you can buy part of a coin. Sure, one bitcoin costs over $25,000 but if you can't afford that, it doesn't mean you can't get in on bitcoin at all. You can buy a fraction of a bitcoin for almost any price!

Now, full disclosure:

A lot of the content you'll receive will say Next Wave Crypto Fortunes on it, or will talk about the strategies Ian uses in his premium service.

That's because these come directly from the resources that, up until now, have been available ONLY to members (at a $5,000 retail value).

What's missing, of course, will be the model portfolio with all of the crypto picks Ian has made for subscribers. And some more advanced videos he's created.

Here's what you WILL get:

  • An overview of the crypto market and what makes it so disruptive.
  • The four catalysts creating the next crypto boom — that weren't there for the first bull market.
  • How to buy your first bitcoin.
  • An easy explanation of what a blockchain is.
  • What exactly is bitcoin? And which cryptocurrency Ian thinks will soon outperform it.
  • The difference between cryptocurrencies, crypto commodities and crypto tokens.
  • The different types of wallets — and Ian's top picks.
  • The safest place to store your coins.
  • Four insider secrets to know before you buy your first crypto.
  • A glossary of terms so you know all the crypto lingo.
  • What are Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and "altcoins"? Are these any good to invest in?
  • How to set up a Coinbase account — and a step you should take for added security.
  • Exiting your positions: Getting out at the right time determines your profits.
  • The benefits and risks of a decentralized financial system.
  • How Ian identifies profitable crypto investments.

"If you don't understand these assets and how they move … and if you don't understand psychologically what that can do to you, you are going to miss out on profits." — Ian King

Like I said, this is the first time we've done anything like this…

The first time we are taking resources reserved for members of a premium service and offering them to anyone who wants to get a leg up.

We're sort of testing out the interest here, and we're asking you to join only if you're serious about taking part in the Crypto-Cram Sessions and providing feedback.

Besides that, there's no obligation. Everything you get as part of this course is yours to keep. For that reason, we're not offering refunds.

It is our hope that the Crypto-Cram Sessions will set you up to play the long game in crypto.

Because while crypto is a technology that's here to stay … it's still early in its growth.

If you missed out on the last boom, it's okay. Right now is the perfect time — a crucial time — to get set up for the next one … the one that's already starting.

Now let us give you all the knowledge you need to capture the most profits.

When you click here, you'll go to a secure order form where you can get the Crypto-Cram Sessions.

Tomorrow is Day 1… The first day of YOUR crypto success story!

See you on the other side…

Matthew Clark
Chief Research Analyst, Stock Power Daily

Join the Crypto-Cram Sessions Now!

Legal Notice: This work is based on what we've learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you should not base investment decisions solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility. Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment advice. Although our employees may answer general customer service questions, they are not licensed to address your particular investment situation. Our track record is based on hypothetical results and may not reflect the same results as actual trades. Likewise, past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Certain investments carry large potential rewards but also large potential risk. Don't trade in these markets with money you can't afford to lose. Money & Markets permits editors of a publication to recommend a security to subscribers that they own themselves. However, in no circumstance may an editor sell a security before our subscribers have a fair opportunity to exit. Any exit after a buy recommendation is made and prior to issuing a sell notification is forbidden. The length of time an editor must wait after subscribers have been advised to exit a play depends on the type of publication.

(c) 2023 Money & Markets, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and treaties. This Newsletter may only be used pursuant to the subscription agreement. Any reproduction, copying, or redistribution, (electronic or otherwise) in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Money & Markets. P.O. Box 8378, Delray Beach, FL 33482. (TEL: 800-684-8471)

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