
Bold prediction for you

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OK, folks…

I’ve got a bold prediction for you.

I think the “next Apple” to focus on is… Apple.

And I think the best opportunity to capitalize on Nvidia is… Nvidia.

I say this in jest, but I am also very serious.

I think so many investors lose their shirt chasing “the next Apple” meanwhile Apple continues to produce incredible amounts of wealth over and over.

Did you know that Apple’s market cap jumped almost a trillion dollars again in 2023?

Which means the biggest stock on the planet, produced that much new wealth for investors to tap into.

Yet most folks didn’t take advantage of that. Instead, they chased the “next” Apple…

Which, let’s be honest, probably didn’t work out so well.

Now what’s funny (or not so funny if you’re in this boat, but we’re gonna fix you up this week) is that people have been saying this about the top stocks for years. 

In 2012, Amazon was overbought and unsustainable (it’s up 2,000% since then).

In 2015, Apple had been labeled “too big to make meaningful gains” (up nearly 1,000% since then).

And, now, Nvidia is getting all the same treatment.

Now, the point of this email isn’t to tell you to go buy up Nvidia. I won’t even argue it’s “overbought” from a technical standpoint…

My point is that most investors have been sold a lie about how the stock market works.
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They’ve been told that they missed the boat on the best stocks and need to go gamble their way through the thousands of dud stocks out there hoping to hit a home run.

While they miss out on those same big boys producing massive amounts of wealth year after year after year.

Just think about if you had bought some of those juggernauts every time you thought or were told you missed the boat…

I imagine you’d have done extraordinarily well.

And I don’t want you looking back 10 years from now thinking the very same thing.

That’s why I built the Apex Indicator.

It’s designed for only 9 specific Apex Stocks. That’s it.

Proven wealth generators with a proven signal when they’re poised to move.

While we can never promise future returns, or against losses, but in my opinion, by focusing on these elite stocks you’ll already have the biggest advantage you can have in the stock market.

And if you’re ready to tap into that advantage…

Then you need to join me here on Monday @ 1pm
I’ll see you there,

Graham Lindman

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