
Consumer Delinquencies Are Up

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the consumer is STRETCHED
The Consumer is Stretched Thin

Consumer debt delinquencies are on the rise… Which is interesting, because until a few months ago, delinquencies had been on a fairly steady decline from the highs of the 2008 Financial Crisis. Be sure to catch Jeffry’s keen insights!

Tune in to find out what stocks are moving today — and listen up as Jeffry calls out his highest-conviction trades for the day!

Watch today’s Morning Monster Now!

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[MISPRICED OPTIONS] Make Wall Street’s Mistake Your Opportunity!

It turns out that Wall Street’s massive computing resources aren’t infallible after all!

See, Wall Street’s computers have glitched and one trader’s been exploiting that glitch for nearly 2 years now!

The glitch? During one short window of time, options on one particular ticker are almost always mispriced!

And this trader wants to show off how he’s exploited this glitch over and over!

What’s Up With Bitcoin?

So if you haven’t been living under a rock, you have probably heard endless chatter about the Bitcoin Halving for the past 18 months.

Then last month, it built to a fever pitch as Bitcoin finally approached the long-awaited Halving mark on April 20th.

And then nothing…

Maybe you’ve even had your eye on Bitcoin and wondered what all the hoopla was about…?

After all, Bitcoin hasn’t done very much since the Halving came and went.

In fact, after hitting an all-time high way back in mid-March — over a month before the Halving — it’s kind of fizzled.

Since then, it’s been nothing but a choppy, sideways-to-down pattern, hitting a low of about $57,000 back at the beginning of May.

So what’s going on?

Well, Jeffry filled us in just yesterday on Morning Monster.

First things first: While the Halving hype was exciting and much-anticipated, it wasn’t the main event.

As Jeffry has been telling us repeatedly: It was just the starting line.

And Bitcoin has a bit of a habit of stumbling out of the blocks when the starting gun is fired.

Because, while the Halving is overall bullish for Bitcoin, it’s always been a bit of a sleepy start.

If this is your first time experiencing this up close, it can seem a bit slow and boring…

But stick with it, because it looks like Bitcoin is starting to shake off the nap and get started on what could be an epic run.


We’ve covered this many times before, but to quickly recap: This current Halving cycle is unlike any other because of a few factors:
After years of ridicule and doubt, legitimate Wall Street institutions have begun backing the digital currency and creating plans to incorporate it into their offerings
A slew of Bitcoin spot ETFs was approved back in January by the SEC, allowing both non-technical retail investors and (finally) large institutions to invest in the digital currency.
The Bitcoin spot ETFs will be required to hold a certain amount of Bitcoin, based on fund size, so an increasing amount of Bitcoin will be “permanently” locked away as these funds scramble to cover their obligations.
An increasing number of financial institutions are starting to push a 1 - 3% allocation to their clients. Imagine what 1 - 3% of the TRILLIONS that these institutions manage could do to the price of Bitcoin.
This is the first halving cycle that Bitcoin will be mined at a slower replacement rate than gold.

All this means that when Bitcoin takes off this time, it could really shoot right past all expectations.

Stay tuned, while watching the day-to-day movement of Bitcoin is fun on days like today, Jeffry reminds us that this is a long game, to be played over the next 12-18, possibly 24 months.

Get Jeffry’s full Bitcoin update on yesterday’s Morning Monster at the 8:12 mark.

— The Jeffry Turnmire Trading Team

Thank The Bot

Last week, we teased an experimental setup that Jeffry’s been testing with his inner circle Turnmire Trading Labs subscribers.

It’s a brand new tool that automatically posts trades in his private Discord channel as soon as it spots a Market Roadmap bounce… No human required.

So far it’s been averaging about 6 trades per day, if you can believe it!

And subscribers are LOVING it. Just look below at what TTL member Laura had to say…

And remember — these trades come through automatically as soon as the bot spots them according to Jeffry’s trading rules… It couldn’t be any more incredible!


— The Jeffry Turnmire Trading Team


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